Perfect Weather Today...Saddle Up!
Having rained nonstop for the last two days, I awoke to a cool, yet sunny morning and decided today would be a great day for a ride (I'm guessing Alli was probably hoping I would get out of the house as well as she is tired of me getting to take naps while she works hard saving Medtronic from incongruent pricing policies for medical device sales across European countries). It's been a couple weeks since I've taken a serious bike ride (most of my bike rides are just in and around Lausanne trying to find all of the things I haven't seen yet) so today felt like a good, long ride day. I tried to ride down to Vevey once, but was turned back due to the threat of inclement weather (or at least that is what I'd have you believe...).Today I went all in and pedaled my way down to Vevey (I made it back as else would you be reading this?). I probably exercised away about 5300 kilojoules (1200 calories) today on the roughly 44 km ride (~27ish miles), but I have no way of actually verifying the energy exerted, so you'll have to take my word for it (unless you can correlate the depth of the salt on my skin left by sweating with work performed; I'll leave this task to someone with a PhD).
Speaking of saddles, I didn't realize my bum is made of Tempur-Pedic Memory Foam (the same stuff they use on the Space Shuttle to remember where the Tang container goes when they are done with it). I am actually typing this post standing up to allow the dents in my butt to change from concave to convex once more (I know what you're thinking, let's pretend for the sake of humor that I do actually have a derrière).
This part of Switzerland is wine country so the entire ride consisted of winding my way through vineyards, with the beautiful sun-kissed lake and Alps being the other noteworthy feature. It's funny because I see these giant mountains everyday and I tend to forget they are there until I get a day like today where I can see every snow-topped peak and rocky summit. We (me and the Mrs.) are so thankful for this experience and undoubtedly will wistfully look back upon these days in our rocking chair days and fondly recall the views, food, and exciting adventures (ok, I'm just blatantly trying to make you all it working?).
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