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We're Doing Well...Finally 'Home'

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When I talk to people back home in the States, they often wonder how we are doing with this transition and are we doing ok...for what it's worth, last night I had a weird dream where I was playing cards with Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, and Sydney Pollack. I don't know what this means but most certainly that I am having to hear Alli complain about a lack of being able to read People magazine, and that I'm not very good at cards (Angelina by the way was very impressive....at cards...Mr. Pollack was beginning to regret sitting down at the table with me as I was constantly asking Brad for advice on what I was supposed to do next).

Long story short; if I am able to have such vivid, albeit awkward dreams then things must be going ok as I am sleeping well and I'm not stressing about things that can't be changed. Later on in that same dream I was dressed up as Mr. Wilson (ala Dennis the Menace) while posing for a promotional poster for the upcoming holiday season (although I looked more like Walter Mathau with a stogey). Don't worry, I'm not on anything...just finally feeling 'home' as Alli described it last night when we arrived back at our apartment after an afternoon adventure (we went on a 2.5 hour bike ride about 45 minutes north of Lausanne through a bunch of farmers fields, very pastoral). Our first visitors arrive on Saturday so we are excited to welcome them...


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