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Off to Zurich in the Morning

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(Sung to the tune of "We're off to See the Wizard")

We're off to see the center, the financial center of Switzerland.
We hear it is a really nice place, to go and see some cool museums,
If ever, oh ever there was a center, filled with goblets and trinkets and golden fleeced sweaters, it has to be Zurich because;
Because, because, because, because, becauuuuuuse
It's Swiss National Day and Alli has the day off (barumpy dee dadumpy dum)
We're off to see the center, the financial center of Switzerland.

My apologies to fans of the Wizard of Oz for my attempt to rewrite the lyrics to fit our weekend travel plans. I'll keep my eyes peeled for flying monkeys with fancy watches and unnumbered bank account statements. We'll try and do something interesting so I have something to write about when we get back. Have a safe and happy Swiss National Day everyone! (It's true, other countries celebrate their "birthdays" too)

Anonymous said...
August 7, 2008 at 9:53 AM  

I didn't see any flying monkeys, but Alli thinks she may have...

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