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New Apartment

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Um, yeah...this apartment is so much better than the other one. I think we'll stay here. This apartment understands what year it is...I must say, we were pretty close to a disastrous year in the Studio 54 apartment; thankfully we were able to get into this place. I'll post pictures after this weekend, but let's just say we are MUCH MUCH MUCH happier and can relax now, move in, the wine has been poured, lasagna is in the oven, chocolate chip ice cream in the freezer (it says Straccietella, so we hope it is chocolate chip), and we are unpacking our suitcases finally.

TWS said...
July 18, 2008 at 9:06 PM  

merci beaucoups mister "partridge family man" ... don't take your bike to the tour de France, the riders have already been chosen ... and let us know when you eat your first escargot ... best with garlic butter! love, Dad

Brian and Anne said...
July 18, 2008 at 10:44 PM  

Sounds like a great adventure!
Enjoy - and keep writing about it, we are very entertained!

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