Tour de France
"Prior to Positive Steriod Sample"After leaving Turino on Sunday morning, we headed down towards (towards being the operative word) to go watch the end of the 15th Stage of this year's Tour de France. The finish line was in an Italian ski village, Prato Nevoso. We stopped briefly in Cuneo, another stop along the Tour (Cuneo will be the start of Tuesday's Stage 16) where we snapped some pics, walked around, and couldn't find lunch (everything is closed on Sundays in Europe, including McDonalds in some towns). We eventually got out of Cuneo and ate at a hotel along the way. It was at this point that Alli suddenly learned Italian and was able to successfully communicate with our waiter that I was a moron, but to bring me a Coke and some risotto anyway. Yes, they charge you for the bread on the table so unless you want to buy it, don't eat it.
It was a fairly easy drive with some pretty country-side scenery, winding through village after village until we made our way into a little town about 20km from the finish line. It was at this point that we realized that we would probably not be witnessing the finish of this stage.
At every possible point from this town on there were road blocks, police, and barriers preventing any automotive traffic from going to the finish. It appears that if we wanted to see the finish we would have had to arrive at least one day prior to the stage as our mere four hour cushion of time wasn't enough (or more likely there wasn't any room at the mountaintop judging by the reports from TV). Thus, we were forced to park our car and walk up a Grade 1 climb (the hardest with the exception of the hors catégorie climb which means (beyond classification). So you can see what we were up against 20km for the finish with three hours until the peloton arrived.
Needless to say we decided that walking 20km (or running for that matter) was out of the question so we walked about 6-8km (not exactly sure) up to a little town at a decent spot along the route that was relatively uphill (to provide better photography). After reaching our spot we waited for about 1.5-2 hours for the excitement to begin....
So now the croud is pumped. Mind you the riders are merely another half ho
It was probably about 5 minutes or so before the bulk of the riders came was quite the site. Following them were cars with spare bikes, tires, water, more police, and then another 10 minutes later they bulk of the remainder of the riders. We walked back down after all the riders went by and decided we'd try to drive to the top. (Although at first I thought I lost my wallet and ran about a km back up the mountain where my wallet was not, which made me panic a bit, but after Alli settled me down and told me it was probably still in the car, we thankfully found it back in the car where I left it...I always lose stuff, it's a neverending battle. M: Where's my keys Alli??? A: Did you look in the door honey? M: Why would they be there? You must have moved them foul temptress! Fine, I'll look in the door...Thanks honey, found them! - And that's the story of how I lost argument number 8,389; current score Alli 8,387 - Mark 2)
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