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Le Tour

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We will be heading down to Italy tomorrow morning (Saturday) to see the Tour de France (on Sunday) which will come into Italy (www.letour.fr). We are going to spend Saturday hanging out in Turin (Turino) and then Sunday drive down to Prato Nevoso to watch the finish of the 15th Stage, with a late drive back to Switzerland (we'll probably leave around 7 or 8pm and be back in Lausanne around 1 or 2am). Nonetheless it should be fun. I am excited to see the Shroud, although I hear it's just a copy. Turin is also home to the Fiat car company, Juventus football (soccer) team, and the 2006 Winter Olympics. Watch for us on TV. I'll try to figure out something to do to attempt to make it on TV, although I will NOT take performance enhancing drugs.


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