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Splurge of the Week

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After processing our registration this morning in Lausanne (marriage license, passports, misc. other forms) we decided we could splurge and grab a Starbucks. There are two in the city, and thus we decided we needed an American creature comfort after last night's laundry excitement. (I'll post on that later)

Let's just say that our Starbucks costs more than your Starbucks. But it is so tasty and makes us feel normal (at least today). In addition, Alli was able to get her latte with skim milk, which is no small accomplishment in Europe where the milk is not in the refrigerated section of the grocery store and the closest thing so far we've found to skim milk is 1.7%.

In case you're wondering, yes the Swiss Franc is roughly equal to the dollar right now making our two drinks $14 USD, and the barista spoke English, and she had a tip jar.

Alli Seeber said...
July 23, 2008 at 3:41 AM  

I must say I rather enjoyed my Starbucks this morning! It was gone before I even got to work!

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