Signs You've Been in Europe Too Long
You may be asking yourself what does Coke signify with respect to being in a foreign country too long? Well, I'll say that I drink a lot of it because it's tasty and refreshing. Please look closely at the picture. You'll notice that the bottle has some condensation (meaning it's cooler than the ambient environment...kind of like I am with respect to the citizens of Europe, Obama included). I'll also let you know that I just poured the Coke into the glass (meaning it hasn't been sitting there since yesterday). You may also like to know that I am currently enjoying this tasty beverage as I type (don't worry, I'm not violating any laws of surfing the internet while under the influence of Coke...although you have to wonder if intoxicated web surfing should be considered a misdemeanor. I mean, who would spend time actually making a MySpace or Facebook profile unless they were under the influence of some foreign substance, such as Nutella?).
Also notice what is missing.
That's right, no ice. I don't even miss it anymore, and I am also to the point where I would think it to be ludicrous to pollute my perfectly crafted boisson (that's French for something you want to drink, a beverage perhaps). Actually, I can go either is great because if you don't drink too fast the whole drink will stay cold, on the other hand ice seems to have this uncanny ability to melt leaving my Coke tainted with liquid water (as opposed to solid the way, did you know that technically ice is a liquid? So is glass. Look it up.).
If you plan on visiting please understand the lack of ice in this part of the world. It's not that it is unavailable, they just don't believe it's necessary to the overall satisfaction of your boisson drinking experience.
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