Nice Weather Today
It finally stopped raining (after three days, I was beginning to wonder if I would be able to keep my incredible George Hamilton tan going), so I hopped on my bike for a cathartic ride (see map at left for route and elevation). I have yet to take a route north of the city, so I decided today would be a good day for it. The wind was a bit of a nuisance (I saw a barn from Kansas flying by) but I managed. After climbing up through Lausanne, I found myself in beautiful countryside, complete with farms and meadows, a stray cat (he wasn't very interested in my efforts to communicate, as he probably reads my blog on the weekends and thinks I'm a snob) and an airstrip. Being somewhat winded from the climb (both from the change in elevation and the constant force of the wind pressing against my giant upper body), I stopped to watch a young whipper-snapper taking flight lessons.
I figured it would be cool to watch him take off with the instructor out towards Lake Léman and the Alps (I also figured there should be a witness in case something went awry). I truly am fortunate to be able to witness some of the little things in life that so many people miss (farmers plowing their fields, cows grazing, roadside produce stands). I continued my ride and connected with God (He told me it was the Holy Spirit making all the wind) and enjoyed a peaceful ride out in the country. There are some quaint little towns around here and riding through them only helps me to see how awesome this place is and how I feel that next summer will come all too quickly. My ride continued through a small forest with some towering pines and other leafy trees (I'm guessing oak trees by the amount of acorns on the ground), then back through the countryside towards Lausanne.
I am now at the point where I think I could ride just about anywhere (within a 20 mile radius of our apartment) and be ok in terms of stamina. The hills aren't so daunting, and my calf muscles are now the size of a large grapefruit...(tragically the rest of my legs are still toothpick in size so I guess I look like a martini garnish from the waist down). We head off to Ireland next week on Thursday so I have to do some more planning. We are enjoying waking up early to watch Michael Phelps dominate in the pool (another of the simple pleasures), plus it helps me get my day started (which is an added bonus in that Alli doesn't give me grief for sleeping in until 10am).
August 14, 2008 at 12:57 AM
You get CCTV? No way? After almost a week of calling, the "engineer" came to reprogram the TV's. Now I get to watch the Olympics in the living room. However, I think I'm getting used to watching it in the bathroom. I keep all beverages cool in the sink - I tried the throne but sometimes, it slips too far down and when the "engineer" arrives, he might say, "I don't know how you use these things in the US, but it's not a cooler!"
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