Quiet Couple Days in Lausanne
I am sorry for the low output of blog posts in the last couple days (well, at least Quixotic adventures and such...I haven't found any windmills (moulin à vent) yet). I suppose I have entered the doldrums of living abroad and as a result I don't have any good material. I promise I will try and create some good adventures soon, as I am sure there are those out there convinced that I am living a lifestyle that would enable the sort of Tom Foolery that you all have grown fond of reading.In the meanwhile, I will post some toilet humor. The picture at left is from our hotel in Turin, no that isn't a sink next to the toilet (at least not one you'd brush your teeth in). Needless to say we did not utilize it for any purposes, not even to test the water temperature (I'm guessing it was tepid).
There have also been some requests to see what our apartment looks like, especially compared to the previous one. I will do a separate post on the new apartment immediately following this one, although to hold you over until that occurs I have included two photos of the respective "sitting" rooms from each apartment. I will let you guess which one goes with which apartment.
It's also raining here so I have been doing things related to learning French, such as taking online lessons and trying to book a weekend trip to Paris. So far so good, I can now safely distinguish between a little boy, a little girl, a cat and a dog (garçon, fille, chat, and chien) as well as basic colors of each (I am worried that they haven't taught me how to address a situation where a small child is literally blue, but that might be covered in the next lesson...so I will be avoiding kids for the next few days). Someday I hope to be able to have a conversation with any of the aforementioned and have them understand me...
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