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We just wanted to get home...

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As if traveling across six time zones wasn't enough, we had a very interesting end to our travel back to Switzerland from the United States.  After spending roughly 17 hours in airports and planes we arrived in Geneva safely.  Alli went off to get the car rental, and I waited for our luggage.  Upon getting the luggage, I proceeded to find Alli where after a few minutes of wading through a very busy airport, located her and we started walking towards the car rental shuttle.  Unfortunately, we were forced to wait as there was a "incident" unfolding in the car rental check-in area.

After retrieving the keys to the car, a police officer informed Alli that she had to go back into the terminal immediately (her other option would have been to leave for the car, but that would have caused her to leave me wandering aimlessly around the airport...she chose to come rescue me and our three giant suitcases).  As we waited, we pondered what was going on in the car rental area.  Alli said she noticed an unattended carry-on suitcase, therefore I concluded the police had sequestered the area while they determined if the luggage belonged to someone.  After about 30-45 minutes of waiting, we were all of the sudden startled by a loud boom which sounded much like a discharge of a loaded weapon (somewhere between a shotgun and a handgun).  It was humorous (in retrospect...) to see everyone around us duck as if there was a gunman on the loose in the terminal, but perhaps our lack of sleep and zombie-like state caused us to mildly flinch and giggle.

At this point we were free to go the car which caused great jubilation as we were ready for bed.  Walking through the car-rental area revealed bits and pieces of what used to be functional storage device for transporting clothing inside the cabin of a standard commercial airplane.  Apparently the Swiss don't mess around with unattended luggage...kudos to them.  After walking outside, we saw the "Incident Crew" cleaning up and putting away their toy (one officer was seen duct-taping the remnants of a grey carry-on suitcase together).  I haven't seen the movie Wall-E yet, but I am guessing the robot in this picture is his cousin nobody talks about.  Pretty cool if you ask me.

One would think that would be the most exciting part of our day, but one would be wrong.  Immediately after the luggage incident a delivery truck attempted to drive around the parked bomb squad van when he misjudged the height of his truck versus the clearance of the roof overhang.  As he pondered how to get his truck unstuck, we decided to pass on waiting for the rental car shuttle as this stuck vehicle was blocking the entrance the shuttle needed to take to pick us up.  Unfortunately I don't have a picture as I felt the driver was probably humiliated enough without me taking pictures of his stupidity.  It just goes to show that we often are privileged to enjoy some of life's more nuanced moments...


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