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A Helpful Tip (for garlic lovers)

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I love garlic.  It is one of my favorite food-stuffs, especially when caramelized.  Last night I decided that since Alli wouldn't be home for dinner due to a work function, I would make a garlic soup for my meal that I have been wanting to make (also aware that Alli didn't want to eat it so it made perfect sense).  The soup was very mild, but with a pleasant garlic taste (the soup also had egg which acted as a thickener, chicken stock, and a small amount of vinegar).  Long story short, it was an amazing soup and I look forward to making it again.

I thought as a result of my cooking this dish, I would share some advice to all of those people out there who intend to make a similar dish:

First, your entire home will smell like garlic for at least a day following the creation of this dish (not that there is anything wrong with this, it is certainly helpful in warding off vampires).
Second, your hands will reek of garlic no matter how much you wash them with soap, chemicals, lemon juice, whatever (when you cut up four bulbs of garlic, it tends to permeate the various layers of skin on your hands).
Third, you will feel like you are sweating garlic juice until you take a shower (or two).
Fourth, and most importantly, your spouse will not come anywhere near you (apparently it is ok if both of you consume the soup/dish, but if only one of you has, then I am afraid you will not receive a good night kiss...at least not without your partner wearing a gas mask).

Anne said...
January 14, 2009 at 8:49 PM  

Have you ever tried roasted garlic w/ goat cheese and apples? One of my all time favorite garlic dishes!

I've also heard that if you rub your fingers against a stainless steel sink, the smell wears off?

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