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Swiss Grocery Fun

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Here are two examples of why life can be very exciting at the grocery store in Switzerland. The first example is a carton of eggs. Aside from the obvious failure of quality control (hint: the white eggs are missing spots, duh!), there is also a chicken feather (at least that's what I hope it is) in the box. Also, did you know that eggs are not in the refrigerated section? They are located on a shelf in the middle of the store (at room temperature), right next to the milk (which is also at room temperature). I suppose if it comes hot from the source then what is the harm in letting it stay warm, right? Either way, both the eggs and the milk make it into our fridge once at home.

I like to call the second example "Fractal Food" (this is probably a bit advanced for my elementary through middle school audiences, but would probably be a great extra credit exercise). I don't really know what it is, although it was next to the broccoli and cauliflower, so it is probably a nerdy cousin of the two (it is called a Romanseco). I will most likely blanch it, and if it tastes gross, cover it with melted cheese (hey, it worked when I was a kid).


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