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Trying on Some New Clothes

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I thought I'd try a different look for the blog since I've been doing this for a while now (and the previous look seemed outdated)...let me know if you think it's good or bad. Colors need changing? Fonts hard to read? Let me know. Wishing there were more cow pictures? Let me know.


Unknown said...
October 3, 2008 at 8:05 AM  

Well at 65 make that 64 1/2 as of today oops 64 and 10 months..oops ..I hate change, but enjoy your stories, so have at it!!!!
I will certainly adjust. Sometime when you return home, I would like to meet and compare stories of my travels. I wrote blogs also. Not sure I can hold a candle to your detail of everyday life, but you have a gift and like my son..I told him once, if I told him a thousand times..."Son, You have to write a book and get it published!"

Evie David

Anne said...
October 7, 2008 at 4:16 AM  

I love the change. The clustrmap is really cool. I just wish I could make our shanghai blog half as cool.


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