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British Classic Car Show

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On Saturday, we went to the Classic British Car Show in Morges, where approximately 1,400 cars were on display. It was fun to walk around and see all of the interesting cars, you wouldn't expect there to be so many British cars in Switzerland. Apparently there is a lot of money around here as many of them were well out of the ordinary person's price range. A sampling of the car models were Rolls Royce, Cooper, Austin, Rover, Ford, Aston Martin, Jaguar, Lotus, Morgan, MG, and TVR (there were many others, I just can't remember them all). It's a tough call but I'd have to say my favorites were the Aston Martin's (the James Bond looking one from the 1960's as well as the more recent models), Alli likes the Land Rovers. Click the link below to see more pictures. Enjoy!

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