Julius Bär Challenge
Here are some
cool pics (by cool I mean it was in the mid-low 50's, and also it was windy, and the mountains have snow on them, and I am not physically present in any of them). The pics were taken on Sunday evening at the Julius Bär Challenge. This event was the final in a series of yachting (actually catamaran) races in various ponds and puddles across Europe. I was desperately hoping for a moment from ABC's Wide World of Sports crossed with World's Wackiest Sports bloopers when one of these beauties all of the sudden tipped over spilling the sailors into the cold water, but as fate would have it the only thing spilled was a glass of Chablis at the after race soirée (Don't worry Mr. Howell, that will wash out of your chinos...What why do you care? Just buy another pair, it's not like you do laundry anyway).
Since I am not a helicopter I could not figure out the course they were taking around the lake, so I am unable to really recap the race highlights. I can tell you however that the catamaran that is maroon/pink was piloted by women, whereas all of the other vessels were captained/crewed by men. Obviously the rich dude's team from my previous post won (Obvious because why would I waste my time blogging about a rich loser? Only rich winners get top billing here at A Well Kept Man. Stay tuned for future episodes...), but these ladies finished a respectable seventh out of ten teams.
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