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Where's Mark this Week?

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Starting Tuesday, I will be traveling in Belgium via Luxembourg (purely for bragging rights at cocktail parties...I've always wanted to go to one of the tiny European nations just so I could appear more attractive to members of the opposite sex.  Alli will let you know if it works).  I will be staying in Bruges (Brugge if you're Flemish) for three nights, and then driving to Frankfurt, Germany where I will spend one night (I will probably have to do a beer taste comparison here as well, um, for research purposes).

If you are looking for me, I can be found at the Hotel Flevery in Bruges from Tuesday evening until Friday morning.  I will be staying at the Courtyard by Marriott (Europeans sure name their hotels the craziest things...) in Frankfurt on Friday evening, leaving Saturday morning with one stop in Bad König (the home of my Great-Great Grandma and her family).  Hopefully I can find something that has their name on it, but if nothing else I am sure there will be a church or beer hall they frequented.

My plan is to make a quick stop in Luxembourg city on the way to Bruges (where I have to check in by 6pm or else!!!), and then spend the next few days exploring the various beers of Belgium (home to 125 breweries, as well as over 500 standard beers) or surrounding cities such as Ghent and Antwerp (but mostly I'm just going for the beer).  I will hopefully get a chance to see the coast, as well as a battlefield or two (Waterloo is nearby, you know, the place Napoleon wound up losing).

I will post details of my trip upon my return (my return will be Saturday, so look for new posts next week), hopefully I won't get stopped at the border when I come back this time :)


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