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Merry CHRISTmas!

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Merry Christmas from Switzerland!

This year certainly brought more change and excitement than either of us anticipated, beginning with our move to Lausanne, Switzerland. This experience enabled her to better evaluate her future career path, as well as the latest European fashion trends that shall soon make it to your local American retailer’s shelves. (FYI – black is the new black, also scarves are IN!) Regardless of where we wind up next year, this experience completely changed the way we look at our lives (hint: we are VERY blessed).

I was unable to continue my job with my employer so I took a one-year leave of absence. I was assured that my job will wait for my return, so I have that going for me…which is nice. My greatest challenge is adjusting to the life of a well-kept man as those who follow my blog can attest. Unfortunately the Swiss do not speak much English, nor do they speak Spanish (five years of schooling wasted) so I am forced to learn French. This is both invigorating yet mildly terrifying. While I enjoy the challenge of learning a new language and culture, I do terribly miss the common things of daily American living (e.g. ice, affordable beef, and tasty beer).

In case you are wondering about the word-graphic, it is a combination of the words used in our blog with the size of the word correlating to its frequency of use. We will be in the States for two weeks to get hooked again on things like Costco and bone-chilling weather, but will be back in Switzerland immediately after the New Year (in case you were planning to visit). We miss you all, and can’t wait to share our stories with you! We pray that these words find you in good health and happy times, and know that we are thinking of all of you during this adventure in our lives.

Merry CHRISTmas and Happy New Year!

Love, Mark and Alli


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