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Lenny the Swiss Lion

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This is Lenny.  Lenny is a lion with a zipper pouch on his back for storing things (like Medtronic implantable devices...thanks to Jennifer for allowing us to adopt Lenny from her, you made the right choice!).  Lenny works at Medtronic with Alli, although he recently relocated to the apartment where he doesn't seem to do much except pose for pictures and cause trouble.  Lenny has become the unofficial pet as our dog Hildi is currently living in Michigan with my family (don't worry Hildi, you aren't being replaced).  We aren't really sure what Lenny does for a living, but we assume it is legal (this is called "foreshadowing").

Lenny enjoys visitors coming to the apartment, and likes playing games.  He adores all things Swiss, such as chocolate, multi-function knives, cows, and cheese.  Hopefully he will have some positive stories to share with everyone ("foreshadowing").  Stay tuned to see what kind of fun Lenny finds while we are in Switzerland, or perhaps America...(more "foreshadowing")


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