After some careful thought and consideration, it appears that I need to get back on the blogging wagon. I suppose now that things are quite settled in Colorado, I really have no excuse. I imagine the blogging experiences won't come nearly as frequently as they did in Switzerland, but I shall try my best to bring you some of the more enjoyable ones.

We have managed to ski a few times so far this winter, a week (almost) in Breckenridge, a day at Keystone, and a long weekend in Vail. As it has been snowing more and more lately, hopefully the days will rack up a little quicker...although with a minimum of two hours to the mountains (instead of one to the Alps) it makes it a bit more complicated when you have a dog at home waiting impatiently for your return. The ski resorts in Colorado are very different from Switzerland, both topographically and vegetatively (I think I made up those words)....

In Switzerland, most of the skiing is above the tree line (where the trees can't grow), whereas here in Colorado, there are lots of Aspens and pines. Also, the Swiss runs were much wider and more meticulously groomed, whereas the Colorado runs can become a bit precarious in the afternoon after the skiers have pushed the snow around making unfriendly bumps. Either way I'm spoiled as I get to play on the weekends in the great outdoors. I also seem to wipeout more often here in the States, but that might be due to an increased risk tolerance...as in if I get hurt I don't need to worry that the medics won't speak English and I'll be subject odd-ball European medical procedures involving leeches and moldy cheese.
February 26, 2010 at 11:36 AM
Welcome back! I kept your blog in my favorites list that I check a couple times a week and wondered if you were going to keep at it. Glad to see you and Alli are getting some good ski time in. We hope to be back out there a lot next winter!
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