As the days in Switzerland became numbered, we decided to basically sit back and relax while savoring the last few days we had in our foreign home. We ventured to Morges for their annual tulip festival, we had dinner with our friends Tom and Sarah (Indian food...yummy!), and dessert with our other friends Jennifer and Jeff (but not on the same night, that would have been crazy!). We even had time to go out for a $90 per plate three course dinner (we decided our wallets needed to remember Switzerland as well). 
Lausanne was host for the time trials of the Tour de Romandie (basically our geographic area's version of the Tour de France) so we checked that out one afternoon/evening. But our favorite way to remember our time here was to take our nightly walks down along the lake...très romantique!
Our goal was to go leave Switzerland with no regrets, and I can honestly say we achieved our goal. We didn't necessarily get to every nook and cranny of Europe, but we did see quite a lot of it (her?). Here are some stats and figures to help put into perspective what we were able to do over the last ten months...
1. Number of European countries visited between the two of us: 11 (that's a different country every month since I included Switzerland, which we visited every month)
2. Number of Swiss cities we visited: 40 (trust me, that's a lot)

3. Days of skiing: 15 (prior to Switzerland we skied a total of 10 days in the previous 9 years we've been together)
4. Number of free refills: 1 each (at a Subway sandwich shop in Germany)
5. Number of ice cubes consumed: 18 (at the same Subway)
6. Distance driven in ten months: 20,000+ km/12,400+ miles (this is a conservative estimate)

7. Cow-related festivals attended: 2
8. Department store item returns conducted in French: 2
9. Swiss customs violations: 1
10. Number of times the check was voluntarily brought to my table at the end of a meal: 0
May 19, 2009 at 11:50 PM
When is your last day? We're living out of suitcases as of Monday and going through the withdrawal process already.
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